Examination Cum Promotion Policy

1.  Pre Nur to class-II

a)      No formal  Examination

b)      Only Consolidated sheet are to custom writing service be generated.

c)       Performance of the students will be judge on the basis of five point scale/ grades as given below

A –Excellent

B – Very Good

C – Satisfactory/ average

D – Needs Improvement

d)      Normally students are not detained at this stage

Grading Policy For Class Pre Nur to Class – II

Evaluation key Academics

A+- 91% and above                                                     A – 80% to 89%

B+ – 70% to 79%                                                        B – 60% to 69%

C+ – 55% to 49%                                                        C – 50% to 54%

D+ – 45% to 49%                                                        D – 40% to 44%

E – Below 40%

Grades for Co-Scholastics dissertation writing Activities

Excellent                                                                      A

Very Good                                                                  B

Good                                                                          C

Satisfactory                                                                 D

Need Improvement                                                      E

II. Class III to VIII

The whole session is divided into two terms i.e. Term I and term II. Each of the term is divided into parts i.e. part I (Scholastics Areas) and part II (Co-Scholastics)

Part – I Scholastics Areas

  • There will be two term. The first term will be from April to September and second term from October to March of the subsequent year.
  • Each term will have two formative and one summative assessment.
  • Assessment will be indicated in grades.
  • Overall grading scales of Formative Assessment over the two term (FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4) and the overall grades of summative assessment (Formative and Summative) needs to be given in the relevant column.
  • For Formative Assessment – 4 the average of 3 weekly test will be taken into consideration
  • Total Formative Assessment : FA1 + FA2 + FA3 + FA4 = 40%.

Total Summative Assessment   : SA! + SA2 = 60%

PART –II  : Co – Scholastic Areas

Part 2 consists of Co – Scholastic Areas where student are assessed in four parts on a five points grading sc ale once in a session.

PART 2(A) : Life skills consist of :

  • Self awareness
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Effective Communication
  • Empathy
  • Managing Emotions
  • Dealing with Stress

Part 2 (B)  :

  • Work Education

Part 2 (C)

  • Visual and Performing Art

Part 2 (D)

  • Attitudes and values
  • Attitudes towards Teaches
  • Attitudes towards Schoolmates
  • Attitudes towards School Programmers and Environment.
  • Value system refers to the framework which must be developed right through primary to Secondary level.

Important Note :

These are to be filled in after a period of observation over the year by the class teacher in consultation with the subject teachers.

Part 3  :  Co- Curricular Activities

Part 3 consist of Co- Curricular Activities where in choice in participation and assessment thereof is available. It has two sub parts to be assessed on a five point grading scale.

Part 3(A)  :

  • Literary and Creative skills
  • Scientific Skills
  • Information and  Communication Technology
  • Organizational and Leadership skills

A student will be expected to choose two activities from these four group and will be assessed on their level of participation and achievement.

Part 3(B) : Health and Physical Activities

Eight different kinds of Health and Physical Activities have been provided.

  • Sports / Indigeneneous sports
  • NCC / NSS
  • Scouting and Guiding
  • Swimming
  • Gymnastics
  • Yoga
  • First Aids
  • Gardening / Shramdaan.

Student will be assessed on any two activates that are chosen from within the eight different activities. The objective is to benefits from physical activities to maximize health benefits.

III. for Class IX and X

Part I : Scholastics Areas

  • There will be two terms in both classes IX and X the first term will be from April – September and the second term from October – March of the subsequent year.
  • Each term will have two formative and one summative assessment.
  • Assessment will be indicated in grades.
  • The grading scale for the Scholastics over the two terms (FA1 + FA2 + FA3 + FA4) and the overall grade of summative assessment (SA1 + SA2) must be given. The total of the grades (Formative and Summative) should be given in the relevant column.
  • The CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) will be provided excluding additional 6th subject as p [er scheme of studies.
  • An indicative equivalence of grades points and percentage of marks can be computed as follows.
  • Subject wise indicative percentage of marks = 9.5*G.P of the subject
  • Overall indicative percentage of marks = 9.5* CGPA

Part 2 : Co – Scholastics Areas where students are assessed in four parts on a five point grading        Scale.

Part 2 (A) :

  • Life skills consist of Thinking skills, Social skills and Emotional skills.

Part 2(B) :

  • Work Education

Part 2 (C) :

  • Visual and Performing Arts

Part 2 (D) :

  • Attitudes consist of attitude towards Teachers, Schoolmates, School Programmers and Environment.
  •  Value system refers to the framework which must be developed right through Primary to Secondary level.
  • These are to be filled in after a period of observation over the year by the class Teachers in consultation with the subject teachers.

Part 3 (A) :

  • Literary and Creative Skills
  • Scientific Skills
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Organizational and Leadership Skills

A student will be expected to choose two activities from these four groups and will be assessed on their level of participation and achievement.

Part 3 (B) :

        Eight different kinds of health and physical activities have been provided.

  • Sports / indigenous  sports
  • NCC / NSS
  • Scouting and guiding
  • Swimming
  • Gymnastics
  • Yoga

IV. Class – XI

Weight age Distribution

  • For final assessment after Annual Examination the weight age  of various Test / Examination are as under: TEST   /  EXAMWEIGHT AGE Weekly Test20%Half Yearly Examination30%Annual Examination50%


  • The promotion of a student to a higher class is based on the result that is categorized in three categories i.e. clear pass  ,  pass  with grace marks  ,  conditional pass , detained cases.

The result categories are described below:

  • Clear Pass:  As per CBSE norms each students getting 33 % marks in each subject as well as in aggregate will be declared “Clear Pass” Such students will be promoted to the next higher class and also awarded a rank. In case of practical subjects it is mandatory to pass in theory and practical separately with 33 % marks.
  • Pass with grace marks  : A students falling short of 1 – 10 marks in aggregate and which can be spread over upto  5 subjects then the students shall be remarks in the report cards the grace marks will be mentioned against the respective subject.

Remarks  :  – If a student takes the advantages of grace marks awarded for the participation at State , National or International level and becomes clear pass , he / she will be considered in clear pass category however no rank will be given.

  • Conditional Pass  : Students falling short with 11 – 20 marks in aggregate and  failing in more than 3 subject and secure more than 25 % in Annual Exam  theory shall be considered in this category and declared as conditional pass with remarks in report card. The grace marks are to be mentioned against the respective subjects.

Remarks  : – If a students takes the advantages of grace mark awarded for the participation at State, National or International level and become clear pass he/she will be considered in clear pass category however no rank will be given.

  • Detained : – Students failing short with 21 – 30 marks in aggregate and secure more than 25 % in Annual exam theory in case of having practical subject and fails in more than 2 subject i.e. not covered in S.No.  a,b or c as above will be detained in same class. 

Important : a total of 15, 20 and 25 grace marks will awarded for participation at the State, National or International tournament / activities respectively. In case of clear pass advantage of marks obtained because of participation at State, National or International level will be shown in remarks column with suitable remarks but will not be added to improve overall percentage or rank.

Condition :  If a student failing short with 1 – 25 marks in aggregate and he /she was participationat State , National or International level then he / she will be awarded grace marks with only 120 out of 20 as per his / her need. However the balance marks acquired by him / her will also be shown separately in remarks column.

After getting the above grace marks the student will not be given any rank and simply promoted to next higher class.

All the examination or a part of a particular examination on account of sickness or any other valid reasons (which leave is sanctioned in advance) the average marks of all other examination would be taken into account for that subject.

In case of any official school movement / duty a child would be given the average marks of all other exam tests.


There will be continuous Assessment for class XII. The weight age of various test / exam for pre board report card will be as under

Weekly test Best 3 10 %
Qualifying Examination 10 %
Half Yearly Examination 30 %
Pre Board Examination 50 %

Report card will be issued to the student after each examination including pre board.

Criteria of Scholar badge and Blazer for Classes III & IV

S.No. Scholar Badge                         Grade
1 Aggregate A1, 90% & Above
2 Hindi , English & S.St A2, 85% & Above
3 Science & Maths A1, 90% & Above

 Criteria of Scholar badge and Blazer for Classes V & VI

S.No. Scholar Badge                         Grade
1 Aggregate A1, 90% & Above
2 Hindi , English & S.St A2, 85% & Above
3 Science & Maths A1, 90% & Above

 Criteria of Scholar badge and Blazer for Classes VII & X

S.No. Scholar Badge                         Grade
1 Aggregate A2, 85% & Above
2 Hindi , English & S.St A2, 80% & Above
3 Science & Maths A2, 85% & Above

Criteria of Scholar badge and Blazer for Classes V & VI         

S.No. Scholar Badge                         Grade
1 Aggregate                          80%

Three Years Consecutive Badge Holders are entitled and awarded Scholar Blazer (Blue)